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Wednesday, February 13, 2008

testing inkscape 0.45.1+0.46pre1 autopackage on dreamlinux 2.2

just installed dreamlinux 2.2 gl last week on my msi p4mam motherboard+ intel celeron 2.03Ghz using another HD partition . it ran just fine except from minor glitches when  finding the right driver
 for the built-in video card adapter (S trident).  good thing it worked using VESA mode.  
I observed that my monitor just doesnt display the way it used to on windowsXP.  it keeps on flickering which
strains my eyes after just a few minutes using it. 

the first thing i wanted to do was to install the latest build of inkscape.
so i downloaded the latest autopackage and tried to install it but says glibc on my distro is outdated (or something like that). 
distro update and update but still  didnt fix it. after googling for solutions, i came to understand that glibc (latest version is 2.7) is just sticky to update even on any distro.

so, maybe  i just have to wait for the final release of DL 3.0 (which includes the latest glibc 2.7)  on the 27th  february 2008. 

Monday, February 11, 2008

inkscape projects

made using inkscape 0.45.1

smart buddy sample card

Laife's reloading station banner

Entrepreneur mag replica

globe new logo

smart buddy logo replica

unofficial sun logo

Laife's marketing print ad

suncellular xpressload logo replica

disclaimer:  these images/designs are copyrighted materials. use at your own risk.   Ü.

Friday, February 8, 2008

my first inkscape blog

this is my first blog post . they say that the best way to learn anything is by doing,  so i plan to duplicate  some finished graphic works of experts. i'll be posting all my works until i become an expert on the software  (well, hopefully i get there) for others to see and criticize. that's the plan for now. ü.  

disclaimer:i don't own the copyright for the works i'll be posting (unless otherwise stated).  they are for illustration purposes only 
to  show the power of inkscape 0.46.

jake manzano 
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